Scout Troop


"The aim of the Scout Section is to encourage the spiritual, mental and physical development of the eleven to sixteen years old youths as an integral part of an overall plan of continuous training throughout the age ranges of the Movement.

The method of achieving the aim of the Scout Section is by providing an enjoyable, attractive and worthwhile scheme of progressive training and to operate Patrol system in the Troop, based on the Scout Law and Promise and guided by adult leadership."

Message from SL

As our founder Baden-Powell once said, "Leave the world a little better than you found it."  This is essentially what Scouting is.  We want to to train our Scouts to actively seek out the things they can contribute in the world and be part of the good that will create a better world. 

Scouting is rich with history and traditions, with a set of adventure and nature based activities, using the patrol system to empower members to engage with the world.  Scouting works together with the school as part of a non-formal education for our members, training them to become better citizens of the world.  Growing up as a member of 15th Hong Kong Group Scout Troop, I felt first hand the care that my leaders gave to us all, and the brotherhood amongst our fellow XVers.  Now as a leader, we strive to pass this spirit on to all our members. 

In my mind, 15th Hong Kong Group is something special, we are not satisfied with the bare minimum, and not content with the status quo, but driven by the collective passion of all our members to do more and co-create a sparkling moment in the short years of our youth, with the outcome of all our gentlemen becoming Scouts for and with others.

Dickin Kwong

Scout Leader

Link to Internal Portal

Training Material

Scout Troop Standard Knotting Guide

Published on 25-07-2020

During the pandemic, the Troop filmed a total of 63 videos on knotting (in Cantonese).  Initially intended for internal circulation, the Troop eventually decided to share them with the scouting community and the general public.

Link to Playlist:


Hall of Fame

Hugo Hung Cup 

Patrol of the Year


Chamson Trophy

Inter-patrol Scout skills competition


Philip  Trophy

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