Cub Pack


In April 2019, following the reolcation of the Pun U Association Wah Yan Primary School from Shiu Fai Terrace to Pak Fuk Road, the Cub Scout Pack changed its meeting time to 3 hours, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Message from CSL

Start them young they say.  It cannot be more true when it comes to Scouting.  As a former cub scout of 15HKG, it is indeed my honour to serve the Cub Scout Pack.  

To me, what matters most is that our boys can adapt to this ever-changing world, while holding on tight to good virtues and traditions.  Scouting provides just that, and a lot more.

Throughout these year, Scouting, Scouting in Wah Yan in particular, has been bringing me closer to a group of like-minded people, and together we create some of our most treasured memories.  I am sure our boys will be able to experience the same in the years to come!

Vincent Shum

Cub Scout Leader

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Forms and Circular

For other forms and circular, please refer to the Pack's Google Classroom.

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